Questions and answers

These questions and answers of those frequently asked during consultations on the purchase and sale of timeshares, were collected and prepared for us by independent specialists from the Help Line International.

We hope they will help you prepare for a safe, easy and successful purchase.



Could the club where I buy a timeshare turn out to be unpopular?


- No way that could happen. The Resort Developer carefully selects a location for the construction of a timeshare complex, because his task is to successfully sell timeshares to numerous buyers. Of course, over the years, some new arias or destinations may become more fashionable and popular. But we don’t know of any story where a region with already developed infrastructure has become unpopular over the years.


When purchasing a timeshare here, can you guarantee that I will sell it at the same price in the future?


- No, we can’t. On our website there are also offers at lower and sometimes extremely low prices.

In turn you are not obliged to sell at the same low price. Timeshare prices, like real estate prices, can go up and down due to many factors. Rising prices for holidays and tourist accommodation are the main but not the only factor. The timeshare prices may be influenced by the improvement or increase in infrastructure at your resort, or the emergence of interesting tourist sites or entertainment nearby (construction of water parks, spas, tennis or paddle courts, golf clubs, amusement parks, sports infrastructure, additional ski lifts, etc.). The exchange rate of the local currency may change, there may be an economic upturn and rising prices in the region, and much more, which will affect the appreciation or vice versa of your timeshare property.


How can I check what I'm buying?


- First of all please collect and study information from open sources: the resort’s website, information about it on the website of the affiliated exchange companies. Please note that under a similar name there may be a resort or phase of the resort which is not related to a timeshare. In this case although they use the same infrastructure, it can function as a regular hotel or aparthotel. This needs to be kept in mind when you read reviews on international hotel booking engines.

Example: Not all apartments at Marriott Playa Andaluza are part of the timeshare club of the same name. Timeshare apartments have a more beautiful and cozy design.

You can also make inquiries at the Management Company of the resort or contact theTrust Company.

But it is better to entrust this to specialists who deal with this professionally and efficiently. We can recommend you lawyers from the company Help Line International.


Maybe we should buy a timeshare at the presentation?


If you don't know much about timeshare, then it's worth subjecting yourself to three hours of sales pressure.

And don’t forget that buying at the timeshare sales presentation will cost you at least 10-20% more. This is the minimum amount of their commission from selling you a timeshare thru the presentation with the involvement of number of sales consultants, managers, etc. However, if you are reading these questions and answers, then most likely you are a person who is able to both collect and analyze independent information. Everything you need to know today can be found in the Internet. You will find a lot of useful and impartial information on the educational websites.

And of course, you should ask the timeshare seller from whom you are going to purchase it about everything. The owner of a timeshare, not being a professional agent, will tell you about his timeshare without much embellishment and will also recommend a lot of valuable things. Buying from private seller is pressure free.


Which exchange company should I choose RCI or Interval International to exchange my timeshare in the future?


- You cannot choose the exchange company for your chosen timeshare. Each club is affiliated with only one of these two exchange companies. However, regardless of which club you have a timeshare with, whether it is RCI or Interval International, there are alternative exchange companies 7Across  (formerly known as Dial-n-Exchange) that any timeshare owner of any club can use.

If exchanging timeshare is important to you and you want to use a specific exchange company, then when choosing a timeshare to purchase, choose only those resorts that are affiliated with this specific exchange company.


We have unused weeks left from the previous year. Will this help with sales?


According to the rules of the exchange companies, all previously saved and unused weeks remain yours, and you can use them until their saving period expires, even if you got rid of your timeshare. If these weeks are saved within your resort (club), then you can easily transfer them to another person by simply notifying the resort who will come and use these weeks instead of you. Sometimes sellers offer saved weeks to the buyer as an additional bonus to the purchase, which makes it more attractive.

Also you can rent out these weeks and earn a separate income for them. More details read on our website page Rent timeshare.

If your weeks are saved on your exchange company account (RCI or Interval International), then another person may have difficulties with them: you will have to transfer access and passwords to your membership to a stranger, he will need to additionally issue a guest certificate, exchange companies are reluctant communicate with someone who is not an official member of the club. It’s better not to bother with it and keep these weeks for your future holiday or send your relatives or friends on holiday by arranging it yourself.


We received a call with an offer to buy our timeshare at a price much higher than what we bought. Can they be trusted?

A very dubious proposal. There are so many timeshare resale offer listings on the market to bother people who have not applied for a timeshare sale themselves. This tactic is often used by scammers. Of course, the decision is yours, but try to estimate everything and ask questions. Ask especially how they sell, how they look for a buyer, and how they perform the ownership transfer. The answers should convince you. Imagine yourself in the buyer’s place, would you buy from this company under such conditions. In general, be careful. Please visit the official websites of KwikChex who are the prominent fighters with the timeshare fraud in Europe, as well as Timeshare Task Force which provides services that would help owners and assist in gathering evidence against scammers. You can also contact lawyers or independent timeshare specialists of Help Line International to arrange a private consultancy for you:

